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28 martie 2017
Dear Friends at DPM Romania,
This video of Derek’s was a great choice to empower us all with the knowledge of our victory over evil! I loved where he compared the Pride of Lucifer with the Humility of Jesus! For despite our humble feelings, we know Who is the Victorious One!
We read on DPM USA of your new website and want you to know, that we as a family in Virginia, are praying for the Lord Jesus to bless this great work you do here. How wonderful to feed God’s sheep in Romania the BEST soul food for His flock! We testify to everyone how Derek’s ministry has done great things for our entire family.
We will all (Dad, Mom, and 8 sisters) be in Brasov in 9 weeks and hope to visit those who love Derek as we do. May God bless you as you, „Build up the house of the Lord.”
The Berchtold Family
1 Chronicles 22: 11-13